Porn & Prostitution

The mainstream media censors the truth about prostitution while pimps masquerade as advocates

The following is a translation of an article published on the German feminist website Emma. The article was originally meant to be published elsewhere but was censored, as the introductory paragraph explains. You can find the original here (without introduction, which was on the main Emma page). ———- On Monday, the ‘taz’ paper published a harsh […]

Trinity’s Disgust-o-rama

I took some pictures while in London for Radfem2013. No, not of the Eye or the Shard or Westminster. Of disgusting things, of blatant misogyny being peddled in the street. Because I am a fun person like that. There are also some pictures from locations that aren’t London towards the bottom of the post. This […]

Portrait of Eight Paying Rapists

People say prostitution is necessary. Some even go as far as saying it’s a necessary evil, but even those people still insist it is necessary. If men can’t buy access to women’s bodies, these people say, whatever will they do? Yes, I would like to ask them, what exactly is it you think men will […]

Exited Women: Prostitution is Violent and Unfree

The following is my translation of an article published on the Danish website on March 9, 2013 Selling yourself is disgraceful, violent and unfree Written by Tanja Rahm, sexologist and author Alice Viola, mentor and therapist Christina Christensen, educator Lita Malmberg, unemployed social educator Pia Christensen, cand.mag. (BA in Denmark) Odile Poulsen, author and […]